Certified Since 1978
Wayne J. Falcone
Frank J. Falcone
We have been performing Professional Home Inspections in the Greater Philadelphia area since 1976. Accurate Home Inspection Service has performed over 20,000 Home inspections. Our inspectors are Certified Members of The American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) and follow the Professional Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics of ASHI. We will provide a detailed and comprehensive home inspection while also providing a personal seminar type of educational home inspection.
Your home purchase may be the most expensive purchase that you make in your life. To Accurate Home Inspection Services, every client is important. You can be sure that we will place as much importance on inspecting the home that you are considering purchasing, as you do.
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"Our service stops when our customer stops calling"
175 Strafford Avenue Suite # 1 Wayne, PA 19087